Turn Paintings Into Music Videos
Can you really turn a painting into a MUSIC VIDEO? Yep…that’s what I’ve been doing lately. WHY? You’ve always heard that a picture is worth a thousand…
How ART Changed My Life
After decades of making music, I started my foray into the ART world in 2010. Some things remain the same. Taking stock of my relatively short time as a artist, here are some of the …
The 5 Stages of Creation Elation
It is well documented that making ART is good for you. Studies show that using our creativity can reduce stress, build self-esteem and help to create a healthy state of mind.
The Grand Old Man of Abstract Art
German artist, Gerhard Richter is the subject of this article. He is widely regarded as as the greatest living painter, yet many are not familiar with him or his work…
What to Hang on Your Walls
There’s a guy that lives just down the road named Les Wexner. The two of us are very much alike. We both spent some early years on the east side of Columbus. We both…
The Cure for BWS – Blank Walls Syndrome
Oh, the heartbreak of BWS! This awful aesthetic affliction affects many of us. “Blank Walls Syndrome” is a very serious malady, but take heart. It can be treated and in some cases…
3 Hot Painters To Watch
There are thousands of talented world-class artists. Like most people who pay attention to art, I have my favorites. Now that I have appointed myself the CHIEF CURATOR at Scott Steelman Studio, I…
Got The Blues? Try This!
The BLUES? …No, I am not talking about depression here or “singing the blues”. I’m discussing a cheerful subject: All those wonderful shades of blue in nature and in art. Coincidentally, my very…
New York State of Mind
Welcome to my Mind! …my “New York State of Mind”. NYC has been an important influence in my development as an artist. I’ll explain a little about that and some current projects related to the “Big…
How To Make ART From A Snapshot
Once upon a time (not so long ago) I got the urge to make ART. Probably because of watching numerous DVD’s about art and artists. And why was I doing that, you ask? Well…
What Does An Artist Do?
Welcome to my Universe! What fun it is exploring not only color, shapes and lines, but the BIG PICTURE things like ideas, concepts, emotions, perception and consciousness. At first I wasn’t even…
Bitten By The Art Bug
Welcome to my world! For me it’s a whole new world of art. In fact, it’s an amazing universe of thrilling creative discovery. I’ll give you a little background in this first blog. Like Picasso said…