Welcome to my world! For me it’s a whole new world of art. In fact, it’s an amazing universe of thrilling creative discovery. I’ll give you a little background in this first blog. Like Picasso said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” I did the normal amount of drawing and coloring as a kid. My mother probably thought I was a genius and that’s why she saved this for posterity.
My last big fling with art was when I was around 10 years old and I responded to a magazine advertisement like the one below. I just traced the picture, which was obvious to the recipients. They sent a gentle and courteous reply pointing out that one must be at least 18 years old and suggested that I try again when I grow up. How dare they quash my ambition! Well that was the end of my adolescent art career.
How did I get here? Well, I’ve been a musician as far back as I can remember, born into a family of musicians. That musical heritage goes back at least several generations to my great-grandparents. Both of my grandmothers played piano for silent movies. My dad was the manager of a music store. I observed and participated in countless rehearsals at our house. I learned many instruments in school bands and played in my own rock, jazz and funk bands. Over the years I performed, composed, arranged, produced and taught music. Later I got into other multimedia and video production.
What happened? In 2010, I was Bitten by the Art Bug. (One of my early drawings was a bug.) I got interested in the Impressionist painters and learned about their lives and work. Then I went on to the Cubists, the Abstract Expressionists, etc. – always looking and learning. After observing painting and drawing classes, I decided to try my hand at editing photos into abstract art. The “San Francisco Collage” is one early example.

San Francisco Collage
When I got Photoshop, the work started to improve. Then, wanting to go even further, I got a $5 used paint set on Craig’s List and a friend gave me some old brushes. I read book after book about painting, artists, art studios and the history of modern art.
Now I’m an Artist and having a blast! I’ve converted my recording studio into an art studio and have made hundreds of artworks to show and sell. There’s so much more to tell, so subscribe to this blog to hear about every step in this amazing ART ADVENTURE.
Join the Journey. Also get a FREE Downloadable PRINT when you sign-up for my email blog notifications. It’s exciting – come on along!
Explore the Universe of ART
with Scott Steelman
This week the Ohio State Fair is featuring work by the best artists from all over the state. I’m honored to be among them. You’ll find my painting entitled, “Don’t Miss This!” in the Cox Fine Art Building through August 6, 2017. In a future BLOG I will explain the process used to create this piece. The opening reception was spectacular and my congratulations to all the award winners!
See the whole painting HERE.
Art & Creativity Quotes
These are some favorite quotes on those subjects.
Please go to the CONTACT section and submit your
favorite so I can tell everyone about it.
This quote submitted by artist, Julia Hamilton.
You can see her excellent work at
For me ART and MUSIC go hand in hand. As a regular feature of this blog I will present music to tickle your ears and possibly expand your range of taste in music. You see, I like all kinds of weird stuff: experimental, avant garde electronic, contemporary classical, hip jazz, world music and more.
Click below for an excerpt from one of my JAZZ pieces.